I Have Done Nothing But Teleport Bread For Three Days

I have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days - YouTube

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I Have Done Nothing But Teleport Bread for Three Days

I Have Done Nothing But Teleport Bread for Three Days

I’ve been spending the last three days teleporting bread. A lot of bread. It started as a joke, but then it became an obsession. I couldn’t stop. I would wake up in the morning and the first thing I would do is teleport bread. I would teleport it all day long, until I went to bed. I even started teleporting bread in my sleep.

It got to the point where I was teleporting bread everywhere. I would teleport it into my friends’ houses, into my workplace, onto the street. I even teleported bread into the White House. I couldn’t control it anymore. The bread was taking over my life.

The Breadening

I’m not sure what happened to me. I used to be a normal person, with a normal life. But then I started teleporting bread, and everything changed. I became obsessed with it. I couldn’t think about anything else. All I wanted to do was teleport bread.

I started to lose touch with reality. I would spend hours sitting in my room, teleporting bread. I would forget to eat or sleep. I would even forget to go to the bathroom. The bread was consuming me.

The Intervention

My friends and family eventually staged an intervention. They told me that I needed to stop teleporting bread. They said that it was ruining my life.

I didn’t want to stop. I loved teleporting bread. But I knew that they were right. I needed to get help.

The Recovery

I checked myself into a hospital. I spent several weeks there, undergoing therapy. I learned to control my teleportation powers. I learned to stop teleporting bread.

It was hard at first. But I eventually got better. I was able to get my life back on track. I got a new job, and I started spending time with my friends and family again.

The Future

I’m not sure what the future holds for me. But I know that I will never forget the three days I spent teleporting bread. It was a crazy time, but it also taught me a lot about myself. I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was. I learned that I can overcome anything.

If you are struggling with an addiction, please know that you are not alone. There is help available. You can get better. You can get your life back.


What is breadportation?
Breadportation is the act of teleporting bread.
Why would someone teleport bread?
There are many reasons why someone might teleport bread. Some people do it for fun, while others do it for profit. Some people even believe that breadportation has magical properties.
Is breadportation dangerous?
Breadportation can be dangerous if it is not done properly. If you are not careful, you could teleport the bread into someone or something. You could also teleport the bread into a place where it could get stuck or damaged.
How can I learn to teleport bread?
There is no one definitive way to learn to teleport bread. Some people believe that it is a gift, while others believe that it is a skill that can be learned. If you are interested in learning how to teleport bread, there are many resources available online and in libraries.


I hope that my story has inspired you. If you are struggling with an addiction, please know that you are not alone. There is help available. You can get better. You can get your life back.

Thank you for reading.

Are you interested in learning more about breadportation?

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Image: www.reddit.com

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“I have done nothing but Teleport Bread for three days.” T-shirt for … I Only Vocoded This and/or Added Video effects, Entire video(s) is Credited To The Following People:Original Video to Omrimg2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?